SAET project-Studies on Giacomo Boni

Myriam Pilutti Namer and Yuko Fukuyama will hold the talk «L’archeologo Giacomo Boni e il rapporto italo-giapponese in epoca Taisho» in Tokyo on October 21st within Annual Workshop of the Associazione di Studi Italiani in Giappone.

SAET project-Studies on Giacomo Boni

The results of researches carried out by Myriam Pilutti Namer (SAET- Scuola Normale Superiore) and Yuko Fukuyama (Università di Waseda, Tokio) will be presented in Tokyo on October 21st 2017, at the 65th Annual Workshop of the Associazione di Studi Italiani in Giappone at the University of Sophia.

Within the SAET projects dedicated to the Traditions from antiquity, Myriam Pilutti Namer and  Yuko Fukuyama, will hold the talk: «L’archeologo Giacomo Boni e il rapporto italo-giapponese in epoca Taisho».

More details here:

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