The Gortyna site offers a rare opportunity to study the epigraphic landscape of an ancient city between the Archaic and Byzantine ages, through documentation that covers multiple aspects of city life.
The project aims to reconstruct the evolution of the city’s epigraphic landscape over time through a multidisciplinary study of Gortina’s rich epigraphic documentation. To this end, the research conducted by the Scuola Normale together with the University of Naples l’Orientale and the Italian Archaeological School of Athens focuses on a number of themes: the changing epigraphic customs; the stratification of inscriptions, to be analyzed in relation to that of the artifacts, monuments and spaces to which they refer; the integration of older evidence in more recent contexts and their coexistence with newer inscriptions; the obliteration or resemantization of inscriptions in a changing urban context; and the multiple mentions of monuments and urban areas, found in epigraphs. The subject of the investigation is thus the public and private epigraphy displayed in city and suburban spaces.
Scientific coordinator: Fabrizio Oppedisano
Contributors: Anna Magnetto, Davide Amendola, Leon Battista Borsano, Pietro Manti