Writing on Wood in Roman Britain: the Vindolanda Tablets


The Laboratory

The Laboratory of History, Archaeology, Epigraphy and Traditions from Antiquity (SAET) was founded in 2016 by Andrea Giardina and is currently directed by Anna Magnetto. The interdisciplinary structure and the synergy of specialised experts are the key strengths of this unusual research group: it has complex thematic and chronological width, agile interactions, and a formidable impact in the science and traditions of antiquity in terms of systematic depth, education and outreach. [Read more…]


25 Jun 2024

On June 20th, secondary school students visited SAET and DocStAr Laboratories within the PNRR NextGenerationEU project.

12 Jun 2024

New archaeological discoveries by SAET in the area of the agora and gymnasium at Segesta.

30 May 2024

Undergraduate and PhD students in Sciences of Antiquity at SNS went on educational tour at Athens and Eleusis organized by Prof Adornato.

08 May 2024

The volume H. Dey – F. Oppedisano (eds.), Justinian’s Legacy – L’Eredità di Giustiniano The Last War of Roman Italy – L’ultima guerra dell’Italia romana, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2024, has just been published.