GEI – Greek Economic Inscriptions

The GEI project aims to provide scholars of the ancient world with a selection of Greek inscriptions relevant for the...

The GEI project aims to provide scholars of the ancient world with a selection of Greek inscriptions relevant for the study of the ancient Greek economy in its various aspects. The documents already included and the ones which will be progressively added cover the period from the Archaic Age to the 1st cent. BC.
Inscriptions are presented and illustrated by a mixed team of specialists and young scholars.

The database can be browsed both chronologically and by content through thematic indexes. It is also possible to query the fields of each epigraphic record through a search engine.

Scientific coordinators: Donatella Erdas (University of Milan La Statale), Anna Magnetto
Contributors: Scuola Normale students and colleagues and students from partner Universities
Technical supervisor: Antonella Russo