
The exhibition “Il catalogo del mondo: Plinio il Vecchio e la Storia della Natura”, curated by Gianfranco Adornato, opened in Como on May 3rd.


The exhibition “The Catalog of the World: Pliny the Elder and the History of Nature,” curated by Gianfranco Adornato has been set up, as part of the Celebrations promoted for the Bimillenary of the birth of Pliny the Elder, in Como in the former Church of San Pietro in Atrio and in the Palazzo del Broletto and can be visited from May 3rd until August 31st.

The exhibition displays more than 70 works from major Italian museum institutions, together with creations by contemporary artists, as an evidence of the influence that the author of Naturalis Historia had on Western culture.

The exhibition is promoted by the Alessandro Volta Foundation, and coordinated by the National Committee for the Celebrations of the Two Thousandth Anniversary of the Birth of Pliny the Elder, whose members include professors emeriti Gian Biagio Conte (honorary chairman of the committee) and Gianpiero Rosati, who contributed to the catalog along with students and alumni of the Scuola Normale.


More information on Normale News and on the site Plinio bimillenario 23 2023.

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