
The conference «Comparing Greek Colonies. Mobility and settlement consolidation from Southern Italy to the Black Sea» (Rome November 7th–9th) will include a seminar by M.C.Parra, scientific coordinator for the SAET project on Kaulonia.


Themes from the SAET Kaulonia project , coordinated by Maria Cecilia Parra, will be presented at the International Conference «Comparing Greek Colonies. Mobility and settlement consolidation from Southern Italy to the Black Sea (8th – 6th century BC)» (Rome  November 7th-9th).

The seminar by M.C. Parra – Note su Kaulonía e la Kauloniatide tra VIII e VII sec. a.C., tra presenze e assenze presso il Capo Cocinto – will take place on November 8th at 3.20 a.m.


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