Mnamon update

Two new sections on Meroitic and Nubian writing systems were published in Mnamon, Portal of the Ancient Writing Systems in the Mediterranean and more sections were updated.

Mnamon update

Mnamon, Portal of the Ancient Writing Systems in the Mediterranean, has been enriched with two new sections, edited by the specialist Daniele Salvoldi (British University in Egypt), on Meroitic (cursive and hieroglyphs) and Old Nubian .

A new series of updates has been also carried out starting from September 2022. The sections related to the following writing systems have been updated by the specialists:

Carian, Etruscan, Faliscan, Cuneiform Hittite, HurrianLemnian, Lycian, Lydian, Cuneiform Luwian, Hieroglyphic Luwian, Phrygian (September 22)

Eblaite (October 22)

Messapic, Raetic (December 22)

Ancient North Arabian, Ancient South Arabian (January 23)

Elymian (February 24).

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