SAET Outreach

Talks by A. Corretti and M.A. Vaggioli about scavi della Scuola Normale Superiore in Via S. Apollonia il 7 e 8 maggio al Convegno «Le case di Pisa. Edilizia privata tra età romana e alto medioevo»

SAET Outreach

May 7th-8th 2019
Centro Congressi ‘Le Benedettine’
Piazza S. Paolo a Ripa d’Arno, Pisa

Talks by the SAET archaeologists A. Corretti and M.A. Vaggioli on the SNS excavations of Via S.Apollonia and on the testimonies from Augustan age (Tuesday May 7th) and from 10th to 14th century (Wednesday May 8th) will be given at the Workshop «Le case di Pisa. Edilizia privata tra età romana e alto medioevo» organized by the University of Pisa.


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