The Meetings are divided into distinct and complementary types, according to their destination, fruition and organisation dynamics.
Conferences, Workshops and the “Giornate di Studio” involve Italian and foreign scholars, who are invited to show, in the prestigious halls of the Scuola Normale, the advancement of research in those fields interested by SAET Projects. The publication of the results will integrate the established series dedicated to seminars and conferences published and renewed by the Edizioni della Normale.
Annual cycles of seminars – specific issues promoted by the SAET support the teaching calendar. These seminars, held in the Lab halls, are mainly intended for SNS undergraduate and PhD students, but are open to all scholars showing an interest in their topic. They are comprised of an analytical and informational phase and a large debating space. A special role is played by the Mnamon Seminars: MNAMON is an innovative and unique website realised by the Scuola Normale. Since 2009, it has been collecting, updating and disseminating fundamental web tools for studying engravings from the ancient Mediterranean area.
The SAET also introduced a peculiar kind of meeting: the Practice Exercises. Undergraduate and PhD students can interact directly with instruments and materials dedicated to historical, epigraphic, artistic and archaeological research, thus merging practice and theory, and experimenting the intricate path of interdisciplinarity. From the state of the art to research curiosities, from the retrieval of documents to possible methodological reflections, until they will reach a final but open result: the SAET thus promotes an effective training for research.